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Dynabook Dynabook

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Alan KayImagine having your own self-contained knowledge manipulator in a portable package the size and shape of an ordinary notebook. Suppose it had enough power to outrace your senses of sight and hearing, enough capacity to store for later retrieval thousands of page-equivalents of reference materials, poems, letters, recipes, records, drawings, animations, musical scores, waveforms, dynamic simulations, and anything else you would like to remember and change.
Von Alan Kay, Adele Goldberg im Buch The New Media Reader im Text Personal Dynamic Media (1977)
Alan Kay verfolgt seit mehr als 30 Jahren einen Traum: eine Maschine zu bauen, die den Möglichkeiten des Mediums Computer, „eines Instrumentes, dessen Musik Ideen sind“, gerecht wird. Diese Maschine nennt er „Dynabook“. Kinder jeden Alters sollten mit einem leichten, interaktiven und vernetzbaren Buch aktiv neue Inhalte schaffen und austauschen können – seien es nun wissenschaftliche Simulationen, multimediale Kunstwerke, interaktive Geschichten oder Spiele.
Von Marcus Denker, Markus Gälli Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt im Text Programmieren lernen mit Squeak (2004)


Alan KayOne of the goals of the Dynabook’s design is not to be worse than paper in any important way.
Von Alan Kay, Adele Goldberg im Buch The New Media Reader im Text Personal Dynamic Media (1977)
Alan KayWhat kind of a thinker would you become if you grew up with an active simulator connected, not just to one point ofview, but to all the points of view of the ages represented so they could be dynamically tried out and compared? I named the notebook-sized computer idea the Dynabook to capture McLuhan’s metaphor in the silicon to come.
Von Alan Kay im Buch Multimedia im Text User Interface (1990)
Emerging Technologies for LearningSince the 1970s, Alan Kay and other pioneers of learning technology have had visions of a single device: the Dynabook, a small, portable computer specially designed for creativity and learning. For many years it was only a vision, but at last the technology has caught up. Today I can buy a handheld device with all the power and features of a laptop but one that is not much larger than an iPod.
Von Geoff Stead in der Broschüre Emerging Technologies for Learning (2006) im Text Mobile technologies: transforming the future of learning
Alan KayIt is now within the reach of current technology to give all the Beths and their dads a "DynaBook" to use anytime, anywhere as they may wish. Although it can be used to comunicate with others through the 'knowledge utilities " of the future such as a school .library" (or business information system), we think that a large fraction of its use will involve reflexive comunication of the orner with himself through this personal medium, much as paper and notebooks are currently used.
Von Alan Kay im Text A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages (1972)

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Alan Kay Alan
Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo
da Vinci
Adele Goldberg Adele
Kimberly M. Rose Kimberly M.
B.J. Allen-Conn B.J.
Robert Cailliau Robert

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