The Politics of Education and TechnologyConflicts, Controversies, and Connections
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This book provides a much needed critical perspective on the use of digital technology in education. Drawing on a wealth of theoretical and empirical work, it examines the stakeholders in education technology, the struggles to settle how technology should be used in education, and the questions that underpin these debates: What, exactly, is the purpose of education? How can we use technology to achieve it? Whose answers to these questions win out in civic discussion, and whose win in the marketplace? With chapters covering everything from single-school studies to international political initiatives, The Politics of Education and Technology lays bare the messy realities of technology use in education and their implications for contemporary society.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Politics of Education and Technology (2013) Dieses Buch erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Anja Balanskat , Sonja Baumer , Ulrich Beck , Carl Bereiter , Matteo Bittanti , Roger Blamire , danah boyd , David Buckingham , Manuel Castells , Katie Clinton , Rachel Cody , Sue Cranmer , Larry Cuban , Cathy N. Davidson , Richard Edwards , Keri Facer , Tara Fenwick , J. P. Gee , David Theo Goldberg , David Golumbia , Becky Herr-Stephenson , Heather Horst , Mizuko Ito , Henry Jenkins , David H. Jonassen , Stella Kefala , Matthew J. Koehler , Patricia G. Lange , Jaron Lanier , Bruno Latour , Diana Laurillard , John Law , Dilan Mahendran , Katynka Z. Martínez , Karl Marx , Punya Mishra , Ofsted Office for Standards in Education , Zizi Papacharissi , Seymour Papert , C.J. Pascoe , Dan Perkel , John Potter , Marc Prensky , Ravi Purushotma , Laura Robinson , Alice J. Robison , Johnny Ryan , R. Keith Sawyer , Neil Selwyn , Clay Shirky , Christo Sims , Burrhus F. Skinner , Juha Suoranta , Lisa Tripp , Tere Vadén , Lew Semjonowitsch Vygotsky , Margaret Weigel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | Digitalisierung , Gesellschaftsociety , Politikpolitics , Schuleschool | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Bildung, LehrerIn, Lernen, Schweiz, Unterricht |
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
3 Erwähnungen
- Distrusting Educational Technology - Critical Questions for Changing Times (Neil Selwyn) (2013)
- Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Joke Voogt, Gerald Knezek, Rhonda Christensen, Kwok-Wing Lai) (2018)
- 73. A Sociocritical Perspective on the Integration of Digital Technology in Education (Jean Gabin Ntebutse, Simon Collin)
- Evidence of a potential - The political arguments for digitizing education 1983-‐2015 (Jesper Balslev) (2020)
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Beat und dieses Buch
Beat hat dieses Buch während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule (IMS) ins Biblionetz aufgenommen. Beat besitzt kein physisches, aber ein digitales Exemplar. (das er aber aus Urheberrechtsgründen nicht einfach weitergeben darf). Es gibt bisher nur wenige Objekte im Biblionetz, die dieses Werk zitieren.