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Joseph S. Valacich Rethinking Media Richness (1999) local 
Siehe Rethinking Media Richness (1999) local 
Nicos Valanides A Socio-Technical Analysis of Factors Affecting the Integration of ICT in Primary and Secondary Education (2006) local web  (erschienen in Handbook of Research on Literacy in Technology at the K-12 Level)
Epistemological and methodological issues for the conceptualization, development, and assessment of ICT-TPCK (2009) local web 
Knowledge Base for Information and Communication Technology in Education (2018) local web 
Lotte Valbjorn Computerkurse für Frauen (1990) local web 
Siehe Computerkurse für Frauen (1990) local web 
Martin Valcke Scripting by assigning roles (2007) (erschienen in International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Volume 2)
The impact of primary school teachers’ educational beliefs on the classroom use of computers local web 
Andreas Valda Der Lokführer steuert am Bildschirm (2017) local web 
Erschwert der Bundesrat den Download? (2014) local web 
«Privatsphäre wird zum Luxusgut» (2015) local web 
Sind wir zu wenig produktiv? local 
Digitalisierung schafft mehr Jobs, als dass verloren gehen (2017) local web 
Google soll für kopierte News zahlen müssen (2018) local web 
Stefan Hofer-Krucker Valderrama Neue Medien - neuer Unterricht?Wahr (2019)
Neue Medien als Chance für einen zeitgemässen Schulunterricht (2019) local web 
Lindy Alan Valdez Online Publications: The Success and Saga (2018) local web 
Siehe Online Publications: The Success and Saga (2018) local web 
Giuseppe Valditara
Pedro Valdivia A Mental Approach to Software Testing (2018) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
Measuring Unit Test Accuracy (2019) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2019)
Paulina Valdivieso Code Crafting Curriculum (2019) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2019)
Patrick Valduriez XWiki concerto (2008) (erschienen in WikiSym 2008)
Stephan Valentin IchlingeWahr local 
Siehe IchlingeWahr local 
David W. Valentine CS educational research (2004) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2004)
Stephanie Valentine Revolutionizing Education with Digital InkWahr (2016) local 
Siehe Revolutionizing Education with Digital InkWahr (2016) local 
Arianna Valentini ChatGPT an Artificial Intelligence in higher education (2023) local web 
Siehe ChatGPT an Artificial Intelligence in higher education (2023) local web 
Felix Valenzuela Using Audience Response Systems to Develop Critical Thinking Skills (2006) local web  (erschienen in Audience response systems in higher education)
Davide Valeriani Towards a Wearable Device for Controlling a Smartphone with Eye Winks (2015) local web 
Siehe Towards a Wearable Device for Controlling a Smartphone with Eye Winks (2015) local web 
Marianne Valerius «Slicing-Book»-Technik (2002) (erschienen in LOG IN 120/2002)
Anna Valeva A method for incorporating usable security into computer security courses (2013) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2013)
Terje Väljataga Competence Advancement Supported by Social Media (2008) local web  (erschienen in Technology Support for Self-Organized Learners)
Theoretical Framework of the iCampFolio (2007) local web  (erschienen in Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale)
Externalization of a PLE (2010) local web 
Marinka Valkering-Sijsling ETH EduApp (2013) local 
Siehe ETH EduApp (2013) local 
Kay Vallance Criteria for the Implementation of Learning Technologies (2008) local web  (erschienen in Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning)
Michael Vallance Criteria for the Implementation of Learning Technologies (2008) local web  (erschienen in Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning)
Michael Vallant activboard @ schoolWahr (2008)  
Siehe activboard @ schoolWahr (2008)  
Christine Vallbracht Entlastet die KI das Gehirn zu sehr, baut es ab (2024) local web 
Siehe Entlastet die KI das Gehirn zu sehr, baut es ab (2024) local web 
Michael Vallendor Hamburger Netbook-ProjektWahr (2010) local web 
Hamburger Notebook-Modellversuch SemikWahr (2003)  local web 
Einsatzbereiche von tablet-notebooks im Schulunterricht local web 
Lernen mit persönlichen Notebooks (2003) local 
Wahlseminar «Multimedia im Web» (2004) (erschienen in SEMIK-Impulse für die Lehrerbildung)
Josep Valls-Vargas Lessons Learned From an Interactive Educational Computer Game About Concurrent Programming (2018) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
Stavros Valsamidis Courseware Evaluation Through Content, Usage and Marking Assessment (2014) local web  (erschienen in Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education)
Flurina Valsecchi Wenn das digitale Buch für den Unterricht fehlt (2011) local 
Über zwei Stunden im Internet (2011) local 
Sander Valstar Closing the Academia-Industry Gap in Undergraduate CS (2019) local web  (erschienen in ICER 2019)
Behaviors of Higher and Lower Performing Students in CS1 (2019) local web  (erschienen in ITiCSE 2019)
A Quantitative Study of Faculty Views on the Goals of an Undergraduate CS Program and Preparing Students for Industry (2020) local web  (erschienen in ICER 2020)
Renate Valtin IGLU 2016Wahr (2017) local web 
Siehe IGLU 2016Wahr (2017) local web 
Teemu Valtonen Factors affecting pre- and in-service use of technology in teaching: Implications for research and practice – Part 1 (2018) local web 
Students’ perceptions of ICT use in higher education context (2018) local web 
Preparing (student-)teachers in using technology in their teaching: An international perspective – Part 1 (2018) local web 
Best of Finland: Perspectives for the Pre-service Teachers’ Readiness to Take Advantage of ICT in Education (2018) local web