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Using Commutative Assessments to Compare Conceptual Understanding in Blocks-based and Text-based Programs

Zu finden in: ICER 2015 (Seite 101 bis 110), 2015
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Blocks-based programming environments are becoming increasingly common in introductory programming courses, but to date, little comparative work has been done to understand if and how this approach affects students' emerging understanding of fundamental programming concepts. In an effort to understand how tools like Scratch and Blockly differ from more conventional text-based introductory programming languages with respect to conceptual understanding, we developed a set of "commutative" assessments. Each multiple-choice question on the assessment includes a short program that can be displayed in either a blocks- based or text-based form. The set of potential answers for each question includes the correct answer along with choices informed by prior research on novice programming misconceptions. In this paper we introduce the Commutative Assessment, discuss the theoretical and practical motivations for the assessment, and present findings from a study that used the assessment. The study had 90 high school students take the assessment at three points over the course of the first ten weeks of an introduction to programming course, alternating the modality (blocks vs. text) for each question over the course of the three administrations of the assessment. Our analysis reveals differences on performance between blocks-based and text-based questions as well as differences in the frequency of misconceptions based on the modality. Future work, potential implications, and limitations of these findings are also discussed.

Von David Weintrop, Uri Wilensky im Konferenz-Band ICER 2015 im Text Using Commutative Assessments to Compare Conceptual Understanding in Blocks-based and Text-based Programs (2015)

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1997 local web  Mini-languages (Peter Brusilovsky, Eduardo Calabrese, Jozef Hvorecky, Anatoly Kouchnirenko, Philip Miller) 13, 3, 4, 2, 5, 4, 6, 7, 6, 4, 7, 4 12134718
2005 local web  Evaluating assessments of novice programming environments (Paul Gross, Kris Powers) 1, 4, 2, 1, 7, 1, 3, 6, 2, 5, 5, 3 3133335
2010 local web  How programming environment shapes perception, learning and goals (Colleen M. Lewis) 5, 5, 4, 3, 7, 14, 4, 1, 1, 1, 8, 3 21103422
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