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Bill McDaniel 3DWiki (2009) (erschienen in WikiSym 2009)
E-Learning on the Social Semantic Information Sources (2007) local web  (erschienen in Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale)
Melinda McDaniel Fostering Meaningful Collaboration in an Interdisciplinary Capstone Course (2018) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
CS Education Then and Now (2019) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2019)
Roger McDermott ITiCSE 2019 (2019)
On valuing peers (2012) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 4/2012)
Developing tools to encourage reflection in first year students blogs (2010) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2010)
Chris McDonald Visualizing berkeley socket calls in students' programs (2007) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2007)
Unexpected Tokens (2019) local web  (erschienen in ITiCSE 2019)
Teaching concurrency with Joyce and Linda (1992) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1992)
A network specification language and execution environment for undergraduate teaching (1991) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1991)
Gary McDonald Developing oral communication skills of computer science undergraduates (1993) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1993)
A statistical analysis of student performance in online computer science courses (2004) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2004)
James McDonald Why Is Software Project Management Difficult? (2001) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 1/2001)
Jason K. McDonald Translate to Communicate (2007) local web 
Siehe Translate to Communicate (2007) local web 
Jennifer McDonald Interactive Pushdown Automata Animation (2002) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2002)
John C. McDonald Curricular Considerations for Supporting Careers in Computer Graphics (2003) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 1/2003)
Kieran McDonald Digital Places: Location-based Digital Practices in Higher Education using Bluetooth Beacons (2018) local web 
Siehe Digital Places: Location-based Digital Practices in Higher Education using Bluetooth Beacons (2018) local web 
Merry McDonald Developing oral communication skills of computer science undergraduates (1993) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1993)
A statistical analysis of student performance in online computer science courses (2004) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2004)
Peter McDonald Design and Evaluation of an Algorithm Animation of State Space Search Methods (2002) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 4/2002)
Robert H. McDonald Disconnects Between Library Culture and Millennial Generation Values (2006) local web 
Siehe Disconnects Between Library Culture and Millennial Generation Values (2006) local web 
Sharon McDonald Who Should Test Whom? local web 
Siehe Who Should Test Whom? local web 
Anne McDougall Models and Practices in Teacher Education Programs for Teaching with and about IT (2009) local web 
Siehe Models and Practices in Teacher Education Programs for Teaching with and about IT (2009) local web 
Charlie McDowell Exploring factors that influence computer science introductory course students to persist in the major (2009) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2009)
Middle school students using Alice (2013) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2013)
The effects of pair-programming on performance in an introductory programming course (2002) local web 
Scott McElfresh Teaching communication, leadership, and the social context of computing via a consulting course (2010) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2010)
Killing 3 birds with one course (2012) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2012)
Kevin McElhaney Developing Implementation Measures for K-12 Computer Science Curriculum Materials (2019) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2019)
Amy C. McElroy Cooperative learning techniques in CS1 (2005) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2005)
Nele McElvany Digitalisierung in der schulischen Bildung (2018)
IGLU 2016 (2017) local web 
Sonderauswertung: Zum Stand von Wortschatz und Leseverhalten bei Viertklässler:innen in Deutschland (2022) local web 
Bedeutung des wahrgenommenen motivierenden Umgangs für die intrinsische Lese- und Mathematikmotivation in der Sekundarstufe (2022) local web 
Ian McEwan Machines Like Me (2019) local 
Siehe Machines Like Me (2019) local 
Mary McEwen Open Educational Resources: A Review of the Literature (2014) local web 
Siehe Open Educational Resources: A Review of the Literature (2014) local web 
Ryan L. McFall Finite state machine simulation in an introductory lab (1994) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1994)
Experiences using a collaborative electronic textbook (2006) local web 
F. Warren McFarlan Information Technology and the Board of Directors (2005)
Siehe Information Technology and the Board of Directors (2005)
Angela McFarlane Using Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) with Internet Access to Support Initial Teacher Training in the UK (2005) local web 
Researching mobile learning (2009) local web 
Researching mobile learning - Interim report to Becta (2008) local web 
Learning with handheld technologies (2006) local