pair programming |
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Write all production programs with two people sitting at one machine. Set up the machine so the partners can sit comfortably side-by-side. Move the keyboard and mouse back and forth so you are comfortable while you are typing. Pair programming is a dialog between two people simultaneously programming (and analyzing and designing and testing) and trying to program better.
Von Kent Beck im Buch extreme Programming explained (1999) Pair programming is the practice where two programmers
work together to solve problems using a single computer. Typically, these
programmers will alternate which individual is using the keyboard and
mouse, a role referred to as the ‘‘driver’’, and which individual is
providing support to identify errors or opportunities for improvement, a
role referred to as the ‘‘navigator’’.
Von Colleen M. Lewis im Journal Computer Science Education 2/2011 im Text Is pair programming more effective than other forms of collaboration for young students? (2011) Pair programming is a style of
programming in which two programmers work side-by-side at one computer,
continuously collaborating on the same design, algorithm, code, or test. One
of the pair, called the driver, types at the computer or writes down a design. The other partner, called the navigator, has many jobs. One is to observe the
work of the driver ± looking for defects in the work of the driver. The navigator
has a much more objective point of view and is the strategic, long-range
thinker. Additionally, the driver and the navigator can brainstorm on-demand
at any time. An effective pair programming relationship is very active. The
driver and the navigator communicate, if only through utterances, at least
every 45±60 seconds. Periodically, it is also very important to switch roles
between the driver and the navigator.
Von Laurie A. Williams, Eric N. Wiebe, Kai Yang, Miriam Ferzli, Carol Miller im Journal Computer Science Education 3/2002 im Text In Support of Pair Programming in the Introductory Computer Science Course (2002) Bemerkungen
Pair programming is tiring but satisfying. Most programmers can't pair for more than five or six hours in a day. After a week like that, they are ready for a relaxing weekend away from work.
Von Kent Beck im Buch extreme Programming explained (1999) Pair programmers:
Von Kent Beck im Buch extreme Programming explained (1999) - Keep each other on task.
- Brainstorm refinements to the system.
- Clarify ideas.
- Take initiative when their partner is stuck, thus lowering frustration.
- Hold each other accountable to the team's practices.
Rotate pairs frequently. Some teams report good results obeying a timer that tells them to shift partners every sixty minutes (every thirty minutes when solving difficult problems). I don't think I'd like this, but I haven't tried it. I like to program with someone new every couple of hours, switching at natural breaks in development.
Von Kent Beck im Buch extreme Programming explained (1999) Prior research has shown that students using pair programming
have increased competence with computer science concepts (Braught,
Wahls, & Marlin Eby, 2011), have higher grades (Mendes, Al-Fakhri, & Luxton-Reilly, 2006), are more likely to complete the course
(Carver, Jenderson, He, Hodges, & Reese, 2007), have increased
enjoyment of programming (McDowell, Werner, Bullock, & Fernald,
2003), and have more positive views of their individual performance
(Braught et al., 2011).
Von Colleen M. Lewis im Journal Computer Science Education 2/2011 im Text Is pair programming more effective than other forms of collaboration for young students? (2011) Pairing doesn't mean that you can't think alone. People need both companionship and privacy. If you need to work on an idea alone, go do it. Then come back and check in with your team. You can even prototype alone and still respect pairing. However, this is not an excuse to act outside of the team. When you're done exploring, bring the resulting idea, not the code, back to the team. With a partner, you'll reimplement it quickly. The results will be more widely understood, benefitting the project as a whole.
Von Kent Beck im Buch extreme Programming explained (1999) Verwandte Objeke
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