The Atomic HumanUnderstanding Ourselves in the Age of AI
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Neil D. Lawrence's visionary book shows why these fears may be misplaced. Atomism, proposed by Democritus, suggested it was impossible to continue dividing matter down into ever smaller components: eventually we reach a point where a cut cannot be made (the Greek for uncuttable is 'atom'). In the same way, by slicing away at the facets of human intelligence that can be replaced by machines, AI uncovers what is left: an indivisible core that is the essence of humanity.
Human intelligence has evolved across hundreds of thousands of years. Due to our physical and cognitive constraints over that time, it is social and highly embodied. By contrasting our capabilities with machine intelligence, The Atomic Human reveals the technical origins, capabilities and limitations of AI systems, and how they should be wielded. Not just by the experts, but ordinary people. Understanding this will enable readers to choose the future we want – either one where AI is a tool for us, or where we become a tool of AI – and how to counteract the digital oligarchy to maintain the fabric of an open, fair and democratic society.
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![]() Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Apple, Automation (GPoC), Bildung, Buch, Communication (GPoC), Coordination (GPoC), Datenschutz, Eltern, Generative Machine-Learning-Systeme (GMLS), GMLS & Bildung, Instagram, Internet, LehrerIn, Lehrmittelverlag, Recollection (GPoC), Schreiben am Computer, Schule, Unterricht |
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