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Beats Biblionetz - Begriffe

HCI/MMI (Human-Computer-Interaction) Human-Computer-Interaction


HCI, Human-Computer-Interaction, MMI


Pamela RavasioStudy of how people design, implement, and use interactive computer systems and how computers affect individuals, organizations, and society. This encompasses not only ease of use but also new interaction techniques for supporting user tasks, providing better access to information, and creating more powerful forms of communication.
Von Pamela Ravasio im Buch Personal Information Organisation (2004)


Persuasive TechnologyIn my view, it will become important for most people designing end-user computingproducts to understand howprinciples of motivation and influence can be designed into Interactive experiences with Computers. As end-user computing matures, understanding captology may become as important as understanding usability.
Von Eva Stolpmann, Peter Brichzin im Buch Persuasive Technology (2002)
The Inmates are Running the AsylumAny Software engineer good enough to call herseif a professional is well steeped in that literal/deterministic/sequential way that silicon behaves - far too steeped to have much simultaneous effectiveness in the irrational/unpredictable/emotional world of humans. I'm not saying that a programmer cannot become a designer; I'm just saying that it is nearly impossible to do either task well while attempting both simultaneously.
Von Alan Cooper im Buch The Inmates are Running the Asylum (2002) im Text The Inmates are Running the Asylum auf Seite  88

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iconRelevante Personen

iconHäufig erwähnende Personen

iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

Ben Shneiderman Ben
Thomas Baudel Thomas
William Buxton William
Ken Fishkin Ken
Maureen C. Stone Maureen C.
Eric A. Bier Eric A.
Jakob Nielsen Jakob
Donald A. Norman Donald A.
Edward R. Tufte Edward R.

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