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Gemma Tur The PLE Conference 2013Wahr (2013) local web 
Siehe The PLE Conference 2013Wahr (2013) local web 
Franklyn A. Turbak Using App Inventor in Introductory CS Courses (2015) local web 
Teaching the CS principles curriculum with App Inventor (abstract only) (2013) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2013)
Lumberjack Summer Camp (2001) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 4/2001)
Learnable Programming local web 
Christoph Türcke Digitale GefolgschaftWahr (2019)
Analoge Schule ist unverzichtbar (2020) local web 
Wissenschaftler fordern Moratorium der Digitalisierung in KITAs und Schulen (2023) local web 
Márta Turcsányi-Szabó Online Professional Development for Teachers (2009) local web 
Siehe Online Professional Development for Teachers (2009) local web 
Piotr Turek Learning about team collaboration from Wikipedia edit history (2010) (erschienen in WikiSym 2010)
Robert L. Tureman Jr. Computing laboratories and the small community college (1994) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1994)
Saranya Turimella Exploring Student Behavior Using the TIPP&SEE Learning Strategy (2020) local web 
Siehe Exploring Student Behavior Using the TIPP&SEE Learning Strategy (2020) local web 
Marcelo Augusto Santos Turine Using screen readers to reinforce web accessibility education (2007) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2007)
Alan Turing Siehe Alan Turing Siehe Alan Turing
Jane Turk Teaching social and ethical issues in the literacy course (1997) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1997)
William H. Turkett Jr. Engaging the community with mobile app projects (abstract only) (2012) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2012)
Sherry Turkle Siehe Sherry Turkle Siehe Sherry Turkle
Marc Türler Data-Literacy-Charta Schweiz (2024) local web 
Siehe Data-Literacy-Charta Schweiz (2024) local web 
A. Joe Turner Computing as a discipline (1988) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1988)
Computing as a Discipline (1989) local web 
Assessment in computer science (abstract) (1994) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1994)
Camilla Turner Teaching children coding is a waste of time, OECD chief says (2019) local web 
Siehe Teaching children coding is a waste of time, OECD chief says (2019) local web 
Carl W. Turner Robots in the AI Classroom (1996) (erschienen in Computer Science Education 2/1996)
David Turner Extending the Wiki Paradigm for Use in the Classroom (2004) local web 
Siehe Extending the Wiki Paradigm for Use in the Classroom (2004) local web 
Ivan Turner Parallel computing (2010) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2010)
Joe Turner Technology in computing education (1997) local web 
You learned all you need to design educational software design in kindergarten (panel) (1997) local web  (erschienen in ITiCSE 1997)
John Turner Mobile Learning in K-12 Education (2016) local web 
Siehe Mobile Learning in K-12 Education (2016) local web 
Jonathan S. Turner The open network laboratory (2006) local web 
Joseph A. Turner Using course-long programming projects in CS2 (1999) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1999)
Peter R. Turner Undergraduate computational science and engineering programs and courses (2002) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2002)
Phil Turner Exploration of Space, Technology, and SpatialityWahr (2009) local 
Siehe Exploration of Space, Technology, and SpatialityWahr (2009) local 
Scott Turner Looking glass (2014) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2014)
Scott A. Turner Misunderstandings about object-oriented design (2008) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2008)
Peer review in CS2 (2010) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2010)
Susan Turner Exploration of Space, Technology, and SpatialityWahr (2009) local 
Siehe Exploration of Space, Technology, and SpatialityWahr (2009) local 
Anne Turner-Henson Stability of School-age Children's Survey Responses (1991) local 
Response effects in surveys with school-age children (1989) local 
Jennifer Turns Effective Discussion through a computer-mediated anchored forum (2000)
Siehe Effective Discussion through a computer-mediated anchored forum (2000)
Keith Turvey Looking Back, Moving Forward: Impact and Measurability of the Use of Educational Technology (2018) local web 
Siehe Looking Back, Moving Forward: Impact and Measurability of the Use of Educational Technology (2018) local web 
Günter Tusch Technology infrastructure in support of a medical & bioinformatics masters degree (2009) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2009)
Roland Tusche Rechnerunterstützung von Prozessen im Internet (Teil 2) (1998) (erschienen in LOG IN 3/4/1998)
Konferenz im Internet (1999) local  (erschienen in LOG IN 1/1999)
OOP mit graphischer Benutzeroberfläche (1997) (erschienen in LOG IN 3/4/1997)
Werkstatt: JAVA in der Schule (Teil 1) (1999) (erschienen in LOG IN 3/4 1999)
Rechnerstützung von Prozessen im Internet (1998) (erschienen in LOG IN 1/1998)
Nalin Tutiyaphuengprasert Constructuionism in Action 2016Wahr (2016) local web 
Siehe Constructuionism in Action 2016Wahr (2016) local web 
Jodi Tutty Teaching in the current higher education environment (2008) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 3/2008)
John D. Tvedt The Software Factory (2002) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 1-2/2002)
Amos Tversky Judgment under UncertaintyWahr (1982) local 
Siehe Judgment under UncertaintyWahr (1982) local 
Johannes Twardella Zum Stellenwert der Wissenschaft im Studium zukünftiger Lehrkräfte des islamischen Religionsunterrichts (2020) local web 
Siehe Zum Stellenwert der Wissenschaft im Studium zukünftiger Lehrkräfte des islamischen Religionsunterrichts (2020) local web 
Bryan Twarek Merging MyCS (2017) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2017)
Holger Twele Sinnlichkeit und Spaß (2012) (erschienen in Digital native oder digital naiv?)
Jean M. Twenge Siehe Jean M. Twenge Siehe Jean M. Twenge
Michael B. Twidale Challenges of using groupware to teach groupware (1996) local web  (erschienen in ITiCSE 1996)
Claudia C. Twiford K-20 Technology Partnerships in a Rural Community (2009) local web  (erschienen in Handbook of Research on New Media Literacy at the K-12 Level)
Sarah Twigg Using children's literature to introduce computing principles and concepts in primary schools (2019) local web 
Siehe Using children's literature to introduce computing principles and concepts in primary schools (2019) local web 
P. Twining Tablet PCs in schoolsWahr (2005)  local web 
Framing IT Use to Enhance Educational Impact on a School-Wide Basis (2009) local web 
David Tyack Siehe David Tyack Siehe David Tyack
Luther A. Tychonievich Nifty Assignments (2015) local web 
Analysis of a CS1 approach for attracting diverse and inexperienced students to computing majors (2011) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2011)
Jeramey Tyler Submitty (2017) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2017)
A Flexible Late Day Policy Reduces Stress and Improves Learning (Abstract Only) (2017) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2017)
Paul Tyler A Microworld for Developing Learning Design Strategies (1992) (erschienen in Computer Science Education 2/1992)
Simon Tyler The keep it simple bookWahr (2017) local 
The Attitude BookWahr (2018)
The impact codeWahr (2015) local 
Paul T. Tymann SIGCSE 2012Wahr (2012)
ITiCSE 2007Wahr (2007)
SIGCSE 2006Falsch (2006)
SIGCSE 2013Wahr (2013)
SIGCSE 2005Wahr (2005)
The Impact of AP Computer Science Principles (2018) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
The big Ideas in Computer Science for K-12 Curricula (2018) local web 
AP CS A (2015)
Reviewing NSF Proposals (2015)
Hans Josef Tymister DisziplinWahr (2002) local 
Siehe DisziplinWahr (2002) local 
Belinda Tynan Setting Learning Analytics in Context (2015) local web 
Siehe Setting Learning Analytics in Context (2015) local web 
Kathleen Tyner Educating in the Information Society (2008) local web  (erschienen in Digital Literacy)
Cynthia Tysick Concept Mapping and the Research Process (2005) local web 
Siehe Concept Mapping and the Research Process (2005) local web 
Mark Tyson Jensen Huang says kids shouldn't learn to code — they should leave it up to AI (2024) local web 
Siehe Jensen Huang says kids shouldn't learn to code — they should leave it up to AI (2024) local web 
Russell Tytler Science, Drama and the Aesthetic (2021) local web  (erschienen in Science and Drama)
Manolis Tzagarakis Supporting Incremental Formalization in Collaborative Learning Environments (2007) local web  (erschienen in Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale)
Argiris Tzikopoulos Knowledge Repositories for Rural Communities of Learning (2007) local web  (erschienen in Proceedings of the EC-TEL 2007 PROLEARN Doctoral Consortium)
Stavroula Tzima The Effects of an Educational Augmented Reality Application on the Interpretation and Communication of Cultural Assets: The “Greek Type” Watermill’s Case (2018) local web 
Siehe The Effects of an Educational Augmented Reality Application on the Interpretation and Communication of Cultural Assets: The “Greek Type” Watermill’s Case (2018) local web 
Yannis Tzitzikas Trialogical E-Learning and Emergent Knowledge Artifacts (2006) (erschienen in Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing)
Ron Tzur Is teaching parallel algorithmic thinking to high school students possible? (2010) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2010)
U.S. Surgeon General’ Social Media and Youth Mental Health local web 
Siehe Social Media and Youth Mental Health local web 
Chinma Uche Mobile computer science principles (2014) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2014)
The Impact of AP Computer Science Principles (2018) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
CSTA (2018) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)