The Datafication of Education
Juliane Jarke, Andreas Breiter
This book attends to the transformation of processes and practices in education, relating to its increasing digitisation and datafication. The introduction of new means to measure, capture, describe and represent social life in numbers has not only transformed the ways in which teaching and learning are organised, but also the ways in which future generations (will) construct reality with and through data.
Contributions consider data practices that span across different countries, educational fields and governance levels, ranging from early childhood education, to schools, universities, educational technology providers, to educational policy making and governance. The book demonstrates how digital data not only support decision making, but also fundamentally change the organisation of learning and teaching, and how these transformation processes can have partly ambivalent consequences, such as new possibilities for participation, but also the monitoring and emergence/manifestation of inequalities.
Focusing on how data can drive decision making in education and learning, this book will be of interest to those studying both educational technology and educational policy making.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Datafication of Education (2019) Contributions consider data practices that span across different countries, educational fields and governance levels, ranging from early childhood education, to schools, universities, educational technology providers, to educational policy making and governance. The book demonstrates how digital data not only support decision making, but also fundamentally change the organisation of learning and teaching, and how these transformation processes can have partly ambivalent consequences, such as new possibilities for participation, but also the monitoring and emergence/manifestation of inequalities.
Focusing on how data can drive decision making in education and learning, this book will be of interest to those studying both educational technology and educational policy making.
The increasing datafication, in particular the availability of data and corresponding algorithms introduces
new means to measure, capture, describe and represent social life in numbers. The education
sector is one of the most noticeable domains affected by datafication, because it transforms not only
the ways in which teaching and learning are organised but also the ways in which future generations
(will) construct reality with and through data. The datafication of education comprises of the collection
of data on all levels of educational systems (individual, classroom, school, region, state, international),
potentially about all processes of teaching, learning and school management. This
proliferation of data changes decision-making and opinion-forming processes of educational stakeholders
such as education policy, school supervision, school authorities, teachers, students and
parents. For example, data are used to improve school development, to hold schools and teachers
accountable, to control access to schooling or to compare student achievements across countries.
Such use cases raise expectations with respect to increased transparency, accountability, service orientation
and civic participation but also associated fears with respect to surveillance and control, privacy
issues, power relations, and (new) inequalities (e.g., Anagnostopoulos, Rutledge, and Jacobsen 2013;
Eynon 2013; Selwyn 2015; Livingstone and Sefton-Green 2016; Lupton and Williamson 2017).
Within the educational context, more and heterogeneous data are being generated – deliberately –
for monitoring, surveillance or evaluation purposes, but also – automatically – through routine operations
of a manifold of digital devices and systems (Selwyn 2015), producing ‘digital traces’ (Breiter
and Hepp 2017). Schools, for example, are being transformed into ‘data platforms’ in which ‘a wide
range of data tracking, sensing and analytics technologies are being mobilised’ (Williamson 2015a,
134). These digital educational data are distinct from pre-digital forms as they may be exhaustive in
scope, highly detailed, and can be combined in a flexible manner and at different aggregation levels
(Parks 2014). Such possibilities have always existed on a small scale, but new data infrastructures and
algorithmic capabilities allow for analytics of an ‘unprecedented complexity and scope’ (Parks 2014,
356). However, the underlying algorithms and the ways in which data are produced by data providers,
statisticians as well as the role of software companies and educational technology providers are
hardly understood (Eynon 2013; Williamson 2015b).
This special issue aims to shed light on the dynamics of datafication and related transformation of education. Contributions consider data practices that span across different countries, educational fields and governance levels from early childhood education (Bradbury, this issue), to schools (Ratner et al, this issue; Manolev et al, this issue), universities (Jones & McCoy, this issue), educational technology providers (Macgilchrist, this issue) to educational policy making and governance (Williamson & Piattoeva, this issue).
Von Juliane Jarke, Andreas Breiter im Buch The Datafication of Education (2019) im Text Editorial: the datafication of education This special issue aims to shed light on the dynamics of datafication and related transformation of education. Contributions consider data practices that span across different countries, educational fields and governance levels from early childhood education (Bradbury, this issue), to schools (Ratner et al, this issue; Manolev et al, this issue), universities (Jones & McCoy, this issue), educational technology providers (Macgilchrist, this issue) to educational policy making and governance (Williamson & Piattoeva, this issue).
- Editorial: the datafication of education
- 1. Datafied at four - The role of data in the ‘schoolification’ of early childhood education in England (Alice Bradbury) (2018)
- 2. Configuring the teacher as data user - public-private sector mediations of national test data (Helene Ratner, Bjarke Lindsø Andersen, Simon Ryberg Madsen)
- 3. The datafication of discipline - ClassDojo, surveillance and a performative classroom culture (Jamie Manolev, Anna Sullivan, Roger Slee) (2018)
- 4. Reconsidering data in learning analytics - opportunities for critical research using a documentation studies framework (Kyle M. L. Jones, Chase McCoy)
- 5. Objectivity as standardization in data-scientific education policy, technology and governance (Ben Williamson, Nelli Piattoeva)
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Datenschutz, Deutschland, facebook, fixed mindset, Gesellschaft, Internet, Kinder, Kognitivismus, Kompetenz, Primarschule (1-6) / Grundschule (1-4), Schweiz, Universität, Unterricht |
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40 Erwähnungen
- The Datafication of Education (Juliane Jarke, Andreas Breiter) (2019)
- 3. The datafication of discipline - ClassDojo, surveillance and a performative classroom culture (Jamie Manolev, Anna Sullivan, Roger Slee) (2018)
- Learning Analytics und Big Data in der Bildung - Zur notwendigen Entwicklung eines datenpolitischen Alternativprogramms (Sigrid Hartong) (2019)
- Bewegungen - Beiträge zum 26. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (Isabell van Ackeren, Jens Brauhardt, Helmut Bremer, Fabian Kessl, Hans Christoph Koller, Nicolle Pfaff, Caroline Rotter, Dominique Klein, Ulrich Salaschek) (2020)
- Studieren im digitalen Zeitalter - Methodologische Fragen und ein empirischer Zugriff (Mandy Schiefner, Sandra Hofhues, Sandra Aßmann, Taiga Brahm)
- World Yearbook of Education 2021 - Accountability and Datafication in the Governance of Education (Sotiria Grek, Christian Maroy, Antoni Verger) (2020)
- 4. Between Fairness Optimization and ‘Inequalities of Dataveillance’ - the Emergence and Transformation of Social Indices in German School Monitoring and Management (Sigrid Hartong, Andreas Breiter)
- Datengetriebene Schule - Forschungsperspektiven im Anschluss an den 27. Kongress der DGfE (Mandy Schiefner, Sandra Hofhues, Andreas Breiter) (2021)
- Editorial: Datengetriebene Schule
- Die Schule als digitale Bewertungsfiguration? - Zur Soziomaterialität von Algorithmen und Daten (Juliane Jarke, Andreas Breiter)
- ‹Da habe ich es dann einfach ausgeschaltet› (Michael Viertel, Philipp Krieter, Andreas Breiter)
- «... dass man denen auch mal 'nen Spiegel vorhalten kann» - Metaphern im Diskurs um Daten (in) der Schule (Michael Becker, Ulrike Krein, Mandy Schiefner)
- Optimierung in der Medienpädagogik (Patrick Bettinger, Klaus Rummler, Karsten D. Wolf) (2021)
- Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit zwischen Elternhaus und Schule mit digitalen Medien - Forschungsstand und Forschungsagenda (Jasmin Bastian, Doreen Prasse) (2021)
- Data in Schools: (Changing) Practices and Blind Spots at a Glance (Ulrike Krein, Mandy Schiefner) (2021)
- Pädagogisches Wissen im Lichte digitaler und datengestützter Selbstoptimierung (Estella Ferraro, Sabrina Schröder, Christiane Thompson) (2021)
- Datafizierte Sichtbarkeiten - Vom Panopticon zum Panspectron in der schulischen Praxis (Sieglinde Jornitz, Felicitas Macgilchrist)
- Learning to Live with Datafication - Educational Case Studies and Initiatives from Across the World (Luci Pangrazio, Julian Sefton-Green) (2022)
- 1. Learning to Live well with data - Concepts and challenges
- 2. Datafication and the role of schooling - Challenging the status quo (Rebecca Eynon)
- 3. Turn off your camera and turn on your privacy (Cristobal Cobo, Pablo Rivera Vargas)
- 4. Data classes (Neil Selwyn, Luci Pangrazio, Bronwyn Cumbo)
- New Perspectives in Critical Data Studies - The Ambivalences of Data Power (Andreas Hepp, Juliane Jarke, Leif Kramp) (2022)
- New Perspectives in Critical Data Studies: The Ambivalences of Data Power - An Introduction
- The Value Dynamics of Data Capitalism - Cultural Production and Consumption in a Datafied World (Göran Bolin)
- Individuelle Förderung und Digitalität (Götz Bieber, Julia Gerick) (2022)
- Was unter «Individuelle Förderung und Digitalität» verstanden wird, ist oft sehr individuell… - … und wird zunehmend von der eingesetzten Software geprägt (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2022)
- Praxistheoretische Perspektiven auf Schule in der Kultur der Digitalität (Claudia Kuttner, Stephan Münte-Goussar) (2022)
- Leistungspraktiken mit digitalen Lernsystemen - Ethnographische Explorationen (Johanna Geßner)
- Die datafizierte Schule (Annekatrin Bock, Andreas Breiter, Felicitas Macgilchrist, Sigrid Hartong, Juliane Jarke, Sieglinde Jornitz) (2023)
- Datafizierte Gesellschaft | Bildung | Schule (Andreas Breiter, Annekatrin Bock)
- Zur Erfassung und Modellierung der „Hinterbühne“ von Datenflüssen: Das Beispiel Unterrichtsausfall (Juliane Jarke, Sigrid Hartong, Tjark Raabe, Vito Dabisch, Andreas Breiter, Angelina Lange, Irina Zakharova)
- Digital ist besser!? - Wie Software das Verständnis von guter Schule neu definiert (Jasmin Troeger, Irina Zakharova, Felicitas Macgilchrist, Juliane Jarke)
- Bildung für eine digitale Zukunft (Katharina Scheiter, Ingrid Gogolin) (2023)
- Algorithmische Datafizierung und Schule - kritische Ansätze in einem wachsenden Forschungsfeld (Felicitas Macgilchrist, Sigrid Hartong, Sieglinde Jornitz)
- Data-based decision making in einer digitalen Welt - Data Literacy von Lehrpersonen als notwendige Voraussetzung (Sarah Bez, Martin J. Tomasik, Samuel Merk)
- Schulleitung und Digitalisierung - Bedingungen und Herausforderungen für das Handeln von Schulleitenden (Ulrike Krein) (2023)
- Critical Data Literacies - Rethinking Data and Everyday Life (Luci Pangrazio, Neil Selwyn) (2023)
- Innovatives Lernen mit Intelligenten Tutoriellen Systemen - Eine Analyse der bildungspolitischen Gelingensbedingungen (Ewa Bacia, Carmen Belafi, Dieter Dohmen, Jakob Klingemann, Benjamin Kummer, Fabian Müller, Vodafone Stiftung) (2024)
Co-zitierte Bücher
Volltext dieses Dokuments
Datafied at four: Artikel als Volltext (: , 1075 kByte; : 2021-03-21) | |
The datafication of discipline: Artikel als Volltext (: , 1488 kByte; : 2021-03-21) | |
Configuring the teacher as data user: Artikel als Volltext (: , 1276 kByte; : 2021-03-21) | |
Datafied at four: Artikel als Volltext (: , 1075 kByte; : 2021-03-21) | |
Reconsidering data in learning analytics: Artikel als Volltext (: , 1045 kByte; : 2021-03-21) | |
Editorial: the datafication of education: Artikel als Volltext (: , 923 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
Beat und dieses Buch
Beat hat dieses Buch während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule (IMS) ins Biblionetz aufgenommen. Beat besitzt weder ein physisches noch ein digitales Exemplar. Aufgrund der vielen Verknüpfungen im Biblionetz scheint er sich intensiver damit befasst zu haben.