Name |
Ist AutorIn von |
wird erwähnt in |
Tomi A. Pasanen |
Creativity and intrinsic motivation in computer science education (2010) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2010)
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Blaise Pascal |
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Melanie Paschke |
Die onlinebasierten Schreibplattformen «Wissenschaftliches Schreiben, Wisch» (Bachelorlevel) und «Scientific Writing Practice, SkriPS» (Masterlevel) (2010)
Vom Wissen zum Wandel (2009)
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C.J. Pascoe |
Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out (2010)
Living and Learning with New Media (2008)
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Sheila A. M. S. Pascua |
Affective and behavioral predictors of novice programmer achievement (2009) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2009)
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Margherita Pasini |
A Preliminary Investigation on Computational Abilities in Secondary School (2017)
| Siehe A Preliminary Investigation on Computational Abilities in Secondary School (2017)
Gordon Pask |
Siehe Gordon Pask |
Siehe Gordon Pask |
Elena Paslaru |
Towards Wikis as Semantic Hypermedia (2006)
| Siehe Towards Wikis as Semantic Hypermedia (2006)
Domenica De Pasquale |
Examining the impact of off-task multi-tasking with technology on real-time classroom learning (2011)
| Siehe Examining the impact of off-task multi-tasking with technology on real-time classroom learning (2011)
Frank Pasquale |
New Laws of Robotics (2020)
The Black Box Society (2015)
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Alexandre Passant |
The Social Semantic Web (2009)
Folksonomies, ontologies and corporate blogging (2007) (erschienen in BlogTalks Reloaded) SIOC Browser - Towards a richer blog browsing experience (2007) (erschienen in BlogTalks Reloaded) Semantic search on heterogeneous Wiki systems (2010) (erschienen in WikiSym 2010)
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Oliver Passek |
Open oder Close Access? (2006)
| Siehe Open oder Close Access? (2006)
Bernd Passens |
Textverarbeitung in der Weiterbildung (1986) (erschienen in Informatik-Grundbildung in Schule und Beruf)
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Donald Passey |
Informatics Reference Framework for School (2022)
Zusammenarbeit, Sichtbarkeit, Einbindung und Effizienz: (2017)
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David Passig |
Using a lecturer’s personal Web site to enhance the social interchange among students in an academic course (2003)
| Siehe Using a lecturer’s personal Web site to enhance the social interchange among students in an academic course (2003)
Kathrin Passig |
Siehe Kathrin Passig |
Siehe Kathrin Passig |
Lilian Passos Scatalon |
Software Testing in Introductory Programming Courses (2019) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2019)
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Nadja Pastega |
Siehe Nadja Pastega |
Siehe Nadja Pastega |
Robert Pastel |
Integrating science and research in a HCI design course (2005) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2005) Adding unit test experience to a usability centered project course (2014) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2014)
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Stefan Pasterk |
Informatics is COOL (2013) (erschienen in Proceedings of the 8th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE '13, Aarhus, Denmark, November 11-13, 2013) Brain-based teaching in computer science (2013) (erschienen in Koli Calling 2013) Digitaler Kindergarten - Informatik und digitale Kompetenz in der Frühförderung (2021)
Basic Digital Education in Austria – One Step Further (2017)
Identification of Dependencies Between Learning Outcomes in Computing Science Curricula for Primary and Secondary Education (2020)
Investigating the Role of ChatGPT in Supporting Text-Based Programming Education for Students and Teachers (2023)
Informatics concepts for primary education (2014) (erschienen in WiPSCE 2014)
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Arno Pasternak |
Siehe Arno Pasternak |
Siehe Arno Pasternak |
Encarna Pastor |
Using multimedia communication technologies in distance learning (1997) (erschienen in ITiCSE 1997)
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Luis C. Pastor |
Georeferenced Learning Activities: An Experience with Moodle (2018)
| Siehe Georeferenced Learning Activities: An Experience with Moodle (2018)
Rafael Pastor |
Deconstructing VLEs to create customized PLEs (2011) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2011)
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Iwan Pasuchin |
Bankrott der Bildungsgesellschaft (2012)
Medienkompetenz im E-Learning (2009) (erschienen in E-Learning: Eine Zwischenbilanz)
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Diana Pasulka |
Believing in Bits (2019)
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Ana Pasztor |
A conceptual approach to teaching induction for computer science (2008) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2008)
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