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Beats Biblionetz - Bücher

Bücher mit C

iconDie im letzten Monat 15 meistabgerufenen Bücher mit C


Computer Science Education

Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in School

(Sue Sentance, Erik Barendsen, Carsten Schulte) (2018)  local 

Code Drift

Essays in Critical Digital Studies

(Arthur Kroker, Marilouise Kroker) (2010) local 

ChatGPT und andere Computermodelle zur Sprachverarbeitung

Grundlagen, Anwendungspotenziale und mögliche Auswirkungen

(Steffen Albrecht) (2023) local web 


The Pattern On the Stone

The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work

(Daniel Hillis) (2001)  local 

Connected Code

Why Children Need to Learn Programming

(Yasmin B. Kafai, Quinn Burke) (2014)  local 

COVID-19 - aktuelle Herausforderungen in Schule und Bildung

Erste Befunde des Schul-Barometers in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz

(Stephan Gerhard Huber, Paula Sophie Günther, Nadine Schneider, Christoph Helm, Marius Schwander, Julia Schneider, Jane Pruitt) (2020) local web 

Computer Science, Communications and Society

A technical and cultural challenge, Conference Proceedings Neuchâtel, 9/93

(1993) local 

Cybernetics: Transactions of the Eighth Conference

Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, New York

( Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt Heinz von Foerster, Margaret Mead, Hans Lukas Teuber) (1952) local 

Code und andere Gesetze des Cyberspace

Code and other Laws of Cyberspace

(Lawrence Lessig) (1999)  local web 

Collaborative blended learning

Eine Orientierung für Lehrende, ModeratorInnen und TutorInnen zum Thema: Wie kann ich das E-Medium für Lernprozesse in der Erwachsenenbildung nutzen?

(Barbara Buchegger, Lotte Krisper-Ullyett, Julia Michl, Johann Ortner) (2006) local 


Vorstoss in Grenzbereiche der modernen Physik


making a new science

(James Gleick) (1987)  

iconAlle Bücher mit C

Titel Autor(en)
C Programming Language, The  local  Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie
Call Dimensions Myke Levy, Glenn Stockwell
Calling Bullshit local  Carl T. Bergstrom, Jevin D. West
Calliope Mini local web  Lydia Murmann, Heidi Schelhowe, Iris Bockermann, Simon Engelbertz, Saskia Illginnis, Antje Moebus
Calliope und Micro:bit in der Praxis
Calliope-Buch, Das Nadine Bergner, Patrick Franken, Julia Kleeberger, Thiemo Leonhardt, Mario Lukas, Mario Pesch, Natalia Prost, Jan Thar, Lina Wassong
Cambridge Handbook of Computing Education Research, The local  Sally Fincher, Anthony V. Robins
Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research Aditya Johri, Barbara M. Olds
Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics, The Luciano Floridi
Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning, The   Richard E. Mayer
Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences, The local  R. Keith Sawyer
Campbell Biologie local  Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Jane B. Reece
Campus 2000 Friedrich Scheuermann
Campus 2002 Gudrun Bachmann, O. Haefeli, M. Kindt
Campus 2004 local web  Doris Carstensen, Beate Barrios
Campus 2022 local web 
Campus Management  
Campus-Wide Computing  
Capito 1.0  
Carbon Footprint of Everything, The local  Mike Berners-Lee
Carl Auer: Geist or Ghost Fritz B. Simon, Gunthard Weber
Carry on local  Bruce Schneier
Cartoon Guide to Algebra, The local  Larry Gonick
Cartoon Guide to Biology, The local  Larry Gonick, David Wessner
cartoon guide to calculus, The local  Larry Gonick
Cartoon Guide to Chemistry, The local  Larry Gonick, Craig Criddle
Cartoon Guide to Computer Science, The local  Larry Gonick
Cartoon Guide to Genetics, The local  Larry Gonick, Mark Wheelis
Cartoon Guide to Geometry, The local  Larry Gonick
Cartoon Guide to Physics, The local 
Cartoon Guide to Statistics local  Larry Gonick, John Maynard Smith
Cartoon Guide to the U.S. History, The local  Larry Gonick
Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change, The local  Yoram Bauman, Grady Klein
Cartoon Introduction to Economics I, The local  Yoram Bauman, Grady Klein
Cartoon Introduction to Economics II, The local  Yoram Bauman, Grady Klein
Cartoon Introduction to Philosophy, The local  Michael F. Patton, Kevin Cannon
Cartoon Introduction to Statistics, The local  Grady Klein, Alan Dabney
Case against Education, The local  Bryan Caplan
Cathedral and the Bazaar, The local  E. Raymond
Causal Learning local  Alison Gopnik, Laura Schulz
Causality and Chance in Modern Physics David Bohm
Ce qui arrive Paul Virilio
Cellular Automata and Complexity Stephen Wolfram
Cellular Basis of Behavior Eric Kandel
Ch@nge local web 
Challenge of Change, The local  Michael Fullan
Challenges in Teacher Education Regula Kyburz-Graber, Ursula Peter, Peter Posch
Challenges of Digital Inequality. Digital Education | Digital Work | Digital Life local web 
Challenging E-Learning in the University local  Robin Goodfellow, Mary R. Lea
CHANCE MAKERSPACE local web  Selina Ingold, Björn Maurer, Daniel Trüby
Chancen - Das Trainingsmodell für erfolgreiche Ideensuche Edward de Bono
Chancen der Digitalisierung für individuelle Förderung im Unterricht local web  Jöran Muuß-Merholz, Bertelsmann Stiftung
Chancen digitaler Medien für Kinder und Jugendliche
Chancen und Risiken der Elektromobilität in der Schweiz local web 
Change  local  Paul Watzlawick, John H. Weakland, Richard Fisch
change 3/2014 local web 
Change by Design local  Tim Brown
Change Handbook Peggy Holman, Tom Devane
Change Management local  Thomas Lauer
Change Management an Hochschulen Monique Fuchs
Change Management in Hochschulen Ingrid Schönwald
Changing Consiousness David Bohm, Mark Edwards
Changing Face of Learning in Higher Education Institutions, The local web 
Changing minds local  Howard Gardner
Changing Minds local  Andrea diSessa
Chaos   James Gleick
Character of Physical Law, The Richard Feynman
Characterizing WWW Ecologies local  James Edward Pitkow
Charisma Machine, The local  Morgan Ames
Charismatic Computers B. J. Fogg
Charles Babbage   Anthony Hyman
Charles Babbage 1791-1871   Anthony Hyman
Charter of Zurich, The Peter Eisenman, Derrick de Kerckhove, Antonino Saggio
Chartography local  Stephen Wildish
ChatGPT & Co. local 
ChatGPT als Heilsbringer? local  Klaus Zierer
ChatGPT und andere Computermodelle zur Sprachverarbeitung local web  Steffen Albrecht
Chat-Kommunikation Michael Beißwenger
Chatten ohne Risiko local web  Ulrike Behrens, Andrea Kallweit, Friedemann Schindler
Chemie für Ahnungslose local  Katherina Standhartinger
Children and Computer Technology local 
Children Designers Idit Harel
Children Learning Computer Programming James D. Milojkovic
Children Solve Problems local  Edward de Bono
Children Talking Television local  David Buckingham
Children, Computer and Creativity local web  Maizatul Hayati Binti Mohamad Yatim
Children, risk and safety on the internet Sonia Livingstone, Leslie Haddona, Anke Görzig
Children’s Use of Mobile Phones local web 
Children's Discovery of the Active Mind local  Bradford H. Pillow
Child's Talk Jerome S. Bruner
Chomsky on Anarchism local  Noam Chomsky
Choosing Not to Choose local  Cass R. Sunstein
Choreografien von Veränderungsprozessen Gerhard Hochreiter
Christliche Schulen als Lern- und Lebensorte im 21. Jahrhundert local web  Martin Herrlich, Thomas Nárosy, Wibke Tiedmann, Frauke Krüger-Lehn
Cinderella.2 Manual, The local  Jürgen Richter-Gebert, Ulrich Kortenkamp
Circle, The local  Dave Eggers
Cisco Connected World Technology Report Cisco
Citation Analysis in Research Evaluation Henk F. Moed
Claim Your Domain local  Audrey Watters
Clash of Civilizations, The local  Samuel P. Huntington
Classroom of the Future Kati Mkitalo-Siegl, Jan Zottmann, Frédéric Kaplan
Classroom of the Future, The local web  Frédéric Kaplan, Kati Mäkitalo-Siegl
Clever Algorithms local web  Jason Brownlee
click here raymond pirouz
Click Here to Kill Everybody local  Bruce Schneier
Clickers in the classroom D. Duncan
Clock of the Long Now, The Steward Brand
Close to the Machine local  Ellen Ullman
Closed World, The Paul N. Edwards
Cloud Computing Nayan B. Ruparelia
Cloud Computing local  Christian Baun, Marcel Kunze, Jens Nimis, Stefan Tai
Cloud Computing for Schools local web  Shane O'Doherty
Cloud Computing Use Cases local web  Cloud Computing Use Case Discussion Group
Clouds local  Björn Eric Stolpmann, Andreas Breiter
Cluetrain Manifest, Das   Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls, David Weinberger
Coaching Friedemann Schulz von Thun, Maren Fischer-Epe
Coaching, Beratung und Gehirn local  Gerhard Roth, Alica Ryba
Coddling of the American Mind, The local  Greg Lukianoff, Jonathan Haidt
CODE - The Language of our Time local 
Code - The Language of Our Time   Christine Schöpf, Gerfried Stocker
Code and other Laws of Cyberspace  local web  Lawrence Lessig
Code as Creative Medium local  Golan Levin, Tega Brain
Code Book, The local  Simon Singh
Code Breaker, The local  Walter Isaacson
Code Drift local  Arthur Kroker, Marilouise Kroker
Code for what? local  Clifford Lee, Elisabeth Soep
Code kaputt
Code und andere Gesetze des Cyberspace  local web  Lawrence Lessig
Code und Material local web  Georg Trogemann
Code, The local  Margaret O’Mara
Code/Space local  Rob Kitchin, Martin Dodge
Codebreakers, The David Kahn
Code-It: How to Teach Primary Programming Using Scratch local  Phil Bagge
Coden mit dem Calliope mini (Lehrermaterial) local web  Michael Abend, Kirstin Gramowski, Lars Pelz, Jürgen Poloczek
Coden mit dem Calliope mini (Schülermaterial) local web  Michael Abend, Kirstin Gramowski, Lars Pelz, Bernd Poloczek
Coders local  Clive Thompson
Codierte Kunst Joachim Wedekind
Coding local  Stefan Aufenanger
Coding als Baustein der digitalen Grundbildung local web 
Coding Art local  Yu Zhang, Mathias Funk
Coding as a Playground local  Marina Umaschi Bers
Coding for Kids in Scratch 3
Coding im MINT-Unterricht local web 
Coding Literacy local  Annette Vee
coding/learning local web  Ben Williamson
Cognition, education, and multimedia D. Nix, R. J. Spiro
Cognitive Computing and Big Data Analytics local  Judith S. Hurwitz, Marcia Kaufman, Adrian Bowles
Cognitive Computing and Big Data Analytics by Hurwitz local  Judith S. Hurwitz, Marcia Kaufman, Adrian Bowles
cognitive psychology of school learning, The E. D. Gagné
Cognitive Science  local  Francisco J. Varela
Cognitive Style of Power Point, The local  Edward R. Tufte
Cognitive Surplus  local  Clay Shirky
Cognitive Tools for Learning David H. Jonassen, M. Kommers, J. T. Mayes
Co-Intelligence local  Ethan Mollick
Cold Start Problem, The local  Andrew Chen
Collaborative blended learning local  Barbara Buchegger, Lotte Krisper-Ullyett, Julia Michl, Johann Ortner
Collaborative Learning Pierre Dillenbourg
Collaborative Society local  Dariusz Jemielniak, Aleksandra Przegalinska
Collaborative Web Development Jessica Burdman
Collection Digitalisierung local web 
College students’ acceptance of Tablet Personal Computers local web  Mark J. Moran
Columbia Guide to Online Style, The local  Janice Walker, Todd Taylor
Combating Harmful Deepfakes in Schools local web 
Comcity   Schuldokumentation Swisscom
Come ci si inventa   Heinz von Foerster, Ernst von Glasersfeld
Comics super easy Stefan Meye
Comig of Age in Samoa Margaret Mead
Coming Wave, The local  Mustafa Suleyman, Michael Bhaskar
Comm.unities.of.prac.tice 2.0 local  Martin Kloos
Commedia   Gerold Späth
Commitment Management Karl F. Gruber, Klaus Karst, Tilman Segler
Common Formative Assessments Larry Ainsworth, Donald Viegut
Common Sense, the Turing Test, and the Quest for Real AI local  Hector J. Levesque
Communicating Design Dan Brown
Communicating Sequential Processes local web  C. Hoare
Communication Gregory Bateson, Jürgen Ruesch
Communication Pedagogy Thomas M. Duffy, James E. Palmer, Ben Shneiderman
Communication Power local  Manuel Castells
Communications of the ACM local web 
Communications of the ACM, Volume 52, Number 6  local 
Communities of practice local  Etienne Wenger
Compiler Construction local  Niklaus Wirth
Compilerbau   Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman
Compilerbau (Teil 1)   Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman
Compilerbau (Teil 2)   Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman
Complex Adaptive Systems John H. Miller, Scott E. Page
Computability local  Jack Copeland, Carl J. Posy, Oron Shagrir
Computation and Human Experience local  Philip E. Agre
Computational Information Design local web  Ben Fry
Computational Intelligence local  Oliver Kramer
Computational Logic and Human Thinking local  Robert Kowalski
Computational Physics local  Rubin H. Landau, Manuel J Páez, Cristian C. Bordeianu
Computational Social Network Analysis local  Ajith Abraham, Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Vaclav Snásel
Computational Thinking local web  Paul Curzon, Peter W. McOwan
Computational Thinking local  Karl Beecher
Computational Thinking  local  Peter Denning, Matti Tedre
Computational Thinking Education in K–12 local  Siu Cheung Kong, Harold Abelson
Computational Thinking for the Modern Problem Solver local  David D. Riley, Kenny A. Hunt
Computational Thinking in Education local  Aman Yadav, Ulf Dalvad Berthelsen
Computational Thinking mit BBC micro:bit local web  A. Bachinger, Martin Teufel
Computer - Mein Lebenswerk, Der Konrad Zuse
Computer - September 2007, Volume 40, Number 9 local web 
Computer - Wie die Informatik die Welt verändert
Computer & Internet im Unterricht Gerhard Tulodziecki, Bardo Herzig
Computer (ICT), Grundschule, Kindergarten und Neue Lernkultur   Hartmut Mitzlaff
Computer als didaktisches Medium, Der local web  Rupert Röder
Computer als Werkzeug und Medium, Der Michael Friedewald
Computer and the Brain, The local  John von Neumann
Computer Architecture G. A. Blaauw, Frederick P. Brooks
Computer Assisted Learning, 2nd International Conference, ICCAL '89, Dallas, Texas, USA, May 9-11, 1989, Proceedings Hermann Maurer
Computer Assisted Learning, 3rd International Conference, ICCAL '90, Hagen, FRG, June 11-13, 1990, Proceedings Douglas H. Norrie, Hans-Werner Six
Computer Assisted Learning, 4th International Conference, ICCAL '92, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 17-20, 1992, Proceedings Ivan Tomek
Computer auf dem Weg in den Unterrichtsalltag der Grundschule, Der local  Rolf Engelke, Dorothea Noll, Barbara Prippenow
Computer Boys Take Over, The local  Nathan L. Ensmenger
Computer Clubhouse, The Yasmin B. Kafai, Kylie A. Peppler, Robbin N. Chapman
Computer contra Eigensinn H. Bussmann
Computer Environments for Children  local  Cynthia Solomon
Computer für tausendundeine Nacht Emil Zopfi
Computer Games and New Media Cultures local  Johannes Fromme, Alexander Unger
Computer im Grundschulunterricht Hartmut Mitzlaff, Karl A. Wiederhold
Computer im Kindergarten Katharina Bissegger, Markus L. Stettler
Computer im Unterricht an der ETH Zürich  
Computer in der Schule 3 local  Klaus-Dieter Graf
Computer in die Schule  local web  Gunhild Wiggenhorn, Oliver Vorndran
Computer in the School, The   Robert Taylor
Computer Lib Ted Nelson
Computer Models Of Personality local  John C. Loehlin, James Bieri
Computer Power and Human Reason   Joseph Weizenbaum
Computer programming skills Irene Graafsma
Computer Science and Educational Software Design local  Pierre Tchounikine
Computer Science Concepts in Scratch  local web  Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari
Computer Science Education local  Sue Sentance, Erik Barendsen, Nicol R. Howard, Carsten Schulte
Computer Science Education  local  Sue Sentance, Erik Barendsen, Carsten Schulte
Computer Science Education 1/1988
Computer Science Education 1/1991
Computer Science Education 1/1992
Computer Science Education 1/1993
Computer Science Education 1/1994
Computer Science Education 1/1995
Computer Science Education 1/1996
Computer Science Education 1/1998
Computer Science Education 1/1999
Computer Science Education 1/2000
Computer Science Education 1/2001
Computer Science Education 1/2003
Computer Science Education 1/2004
Computer Science Education 1/2005
Computer Science Education 1/2006
Computer Science Education 1/2007
Computer Science Education 1/2008
Computer Science Education 1/2009
Computer Science Education 1/2010
Computer Science Education 1/2011
Computer Science Education 1/2012
Computer Science Education 1/2013
Computer Science Education 1-2/2002
Computer Science Education 2/1989
Computer Science Education 2/1991
Computer Science Education 2/1992
Computer Science Education 2/1993
Computer Science Education 2/1994
Computer Science Education 2/1995
Computer Science Education 2/1996
Computer Science Education 2/1998
Computer Science Education 2/1999
Computer Science Education 2/2000
Computer Science Education 2/2001
Computer Science Education 2/2003
Computer Science Education 2/2004
Computer Science Education 2/2005
Computer Science Education 2/2006
Computer Science Education 2/2007
Computer Science Education 2/2008
Computer Science Education 2/2009
Computer Science Education 2/2010
Computer Science Education 2/2011
Computer Science Education 2/2012
Computer Science Education 2/2013
Computer Science Education 3/1990
Computer Science Education 3/1991
Computer Science Education 3/1992
Computer Science Education 3/1998
Computer Science Education 3/1999
Computer Science Education 3/2000
Computer Science Education 3/2001
Computer Science Education 3/2002
Computer Science Education 3/2003
Computer Science Education 3/2004
Computer Science Education 3/2005
Computer Science Education 3/2006
Computer Science Education 3/2007
Computer Science Education 3/2008
Computer Science Education 3/2009
Computer Science Education 3/2010
Computer Science Education 3/2011
Computer Science Education 3/2012
Computer Science Education 3/2013
Computer Science Education 4/1990
Computer Science Education 4/2001
Computer Science Education 4/2002
Computer Science Education 4/2003
Computer Science Education 4/2004
Computer Science Education 4/2005
Computer Science Education 4/2006
Computer Science Education 4/2007
Computer Science Education 4/2008
Computer Science Education 4/2009
Computer Science Education 4/2010
Computer Science Education 4/2011
Computer Science Education 4/2012
Computer Science Education 4/2013
Computer Science Education Research Sally Fincher, Marian Petre
Computer Science Teacher local  Beverly Clarke
Computer Science Unplugged local web  Tim Bell, Ian H. Witten, Mike Fellows
Computer Science unplugged ... local  Tim Bell, Ian H. Witten, Mike Fellows
Computer Science, Communications and Society local 
Computer Support for Collaborative Learning local  Gerry Stahl
Computer Support for Interaction Regulation in Collaborative Problem-Solving local web  Patrick Jermann
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices: CSCL2009 Community Events Proceedings local  Angélique Dimitracopoulou, Claire O'Malley, Dan Suthers, Peter Reimann
Computer und Internet in der Primarschule  local web  Iwan Schrackmann, Daniela Knüsel, Thomas Moser, Hartmut Mitzlaff, Dominik Petko
Computer und Lernen local web  Brigitte Armbruster, Hans-Dieter Kübler
Computer und Schriftspracherwerb   Werner Hofmann, Jochen Müsseler, Heike Adolphs
Computer und Unterricht 95
Computer und Weltbild Peter Berger
Computer vor der Schultür, Der local  Heinz Moser
Computer, Internet & Co. im Deutschunterricht ab Klasse 5 Sybille Brellmann, Cordula Grunow, Michael Schopen
Computer, Internet & Co. im Erdkunde-Unterricht Yvonne Schleicher
Computer, Internet & Co. im Französisch-Unterricht Sabine Münchow
Computer-Based Learning Environments and Problem Solving Erik De Corte, Marcia C. Linn, Heinz Mandl, Lieven Verschaffel
Computerbasierte Wirkungsnetzmodellierung und -simulation Matthias Jurgelucks
Computerdenken  local  Roger Penrose
Computerdieb, Der local  Emil Zopfi
Computereinsatz an Österreichischen Grundschulen   Johann Eder, Anton Reiter
Computereinsatz im Hochschulunterricht   Rolf Schulmeister
Computereinsatz in der Grundschule? local  Günter Krauthausen, Volker Herrmann
Computereinsatz in der Hochschulverwaltung   Carl August Zehnder
Computergestützte Lehre an Hochschulen (Blended Learning) local  Andreas Hadjar, Armin Hollenstein
Computergestützte Lehre an Hochschulen (Blended Learning): local  Andreas Hadjar, Armin Hollenstein
Computergestütztes kooperatives Lernen Udo Hinze
Computerization and Controversy local 
Computerization and Controversy local  Rob Kling
Computerkinder local  C. Eurich
Computerlogik  local  Daniel Hillis
Computermacht und Gesellschaft  local  Joseph Weizenbaum
Computermathematik local web  Walter Gander
Computermenschen local web 
Computer-Netzwerke  local  Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Computerpraxis Jugendlicher und medienpädagogisches Handeln Stefan Welling
Computers and Talk in the Primary Classroom local  Rupert Wegerif, Peter Scrimshaw
Computers and the World of the Future local  Martin Greenberger
Computers and Thought Edward Feigenbaum, Julian Feldman
Computers as Cognitive Tools Susanne Lajoie, Sharon Derry
Computers as Mindtools for Schools David H. Jonassen
Computers as Theatre local  Brenda Laurel
Computers as Theatre Brenda Laurel
Computers as Theatre (2nd edition) local  Brenda Laurel
Computers in the classroom local  David H. Jonassen
Computers Ltd.  local  David Harel
Computerspiele  local web 
Computerspiele Wolfgang Fehr, Jürgen Fritz
Computerspiele - Medienbildung - historisches Lernen Daniel Giere
Computerspiele und Jugendschutz Ullrich Dittler
Computerspiele und lebenslanges Lernen local  Sonja Ganguin
Computerspiele und Videogames in formellen und informellen Bildungskontexten
Computerspiele(n) in der Familie local web  Claudia Lampert, Christiane Schwinge, Rudolf Kammerl, Lena Hirschhäuser
Computerspieler, Die local  Thorsten Quandt, Jeffrey Wimmer, Jens Wolling
Computerspielsüchtig? local  Sabine M. Grüsser, Ralf Thalemann
Computersüchtig  local  Wolfgang Bergmann, Gerald Hüther
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education local web 
Computerunterstützte Gamifizierung in der Sekundarstufe I local web  Nando Stöcklin
Computerunterstütztes kooperatives Lehren und Lernen local  Christian Filk
Computerunterstütztes Lernen local  R. Kammerl
Computing local  Paul E. Ceruzzi
Computing Our Way to Paradise? local  Robert Rattle
Computing: a human activity local  Peter Naur
Concept Mapping als Lernstrategie Jasmin Neuroth
Concept Maps: Theory, methodology, technology local web  Alberto J. Cañas, F. M. González, Joseph D. Novak
Conception de sites Web   Jakob Nielsen
Conceptual Modeling and Innovative Implementation of Person-centered Computer Science Education at Secondary School Level local web  Bernhard Standl
Conceptual Toolmaking
Conceptual Toolmaking Jerry Rhodes
Concurrent Programming   Gregory R. Andrews
Conference Proceedings of the Philosophy of Computer Games 2008 local web  Stephan Günzel, Michael Liebe, Dieter Mersch
Confessiones Augustinus
Conformity local  Cass R. Sunstein
Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture  local web  Henry Jenkins, Katie Clinton, Ravi Purushotma, Alice J. Robison, Margaret Weigel
Conjectures and Refutations Karl R. Popper
Conjuring With Computation local  Paul Curzon, Peter W. McOwan
connected 01  local  Werner Hartmann, Diana Jurjevic, Fabienne Senn, Bettina Waldvogel, Urs Zuberbühler
connected 01 - Handbuch digital für Lehrpersonen Werner Hartmann, Diana Jurjevic, Fabienne Senn, Bettina Waldvogel, Urs Zuberbühler
connected 02  local  Werner Hartmann, Diana Jurjevic, Fabienne Senn, Bettina Waldvogel, Urs Zuberbühler
connected 03  local  Dorit Assaf, Marc Feige, Jörg Graf, Martin Guggisberg, Roger Mäder, Björn Maurer, Stanley Schwab, Helen Stadelmann
connected 04  local  Marc Feige, Martin Guggisberg, Helen Stadelmann, Roger Mäder, Björn Maurer, Igo Schaller
Connected Code  local  Yasmin B. Kafai, Quinn Burke
Connected Family, The local  Seymour Papert
Connected Gaming local  Yasmin B. Kafai, Quinn Burke
Connected Intelligence Derrick de Kerckhove
Connecting K-12 Schools to the Information Superhighway McKinsey Corp.
Connections James Katz
Connectivity - unsere vernetzte Welt local  Milos Zuvadinovic
Conscientious Objections Neil Postman
Consciousness Susan Blackmore
Consciousness local  Christof Koch
Consciousness explained local  Daniel C. Dennett
Consciousness Lost and Found Lawrence Weiskrantz
Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas local  Cass R. Sunstein
Constitution of Many Minds local  Cass R. Sunstein
Construction of Social Reality, The John R. Searle
Constructionism Idit Harel, Seymour Papert
Constructionism 2010 local web 
Constructionism 2012 local web 
Constructionism 2018 local web  Valentina Dagiene, Eglė Jasute
Constructionism 2020 local web  Brendan Tangney, Jake Rowan Byrne, Carina Girvan
Constructionism in Practice   Yasmin B. Kafai, Mitchel Resnick
Constructivism Catherine Twomey Fosnot
Constructivism and the technology of instruction   Thomas M. Duffy, David H. Jonassen
Constructivism in the Computer Age local  George Forman, Peter B. Pufall
Constructuionism in Action 2016 local web  Arnan Sipitakiat, Nalin Tutiyaphuengprasert
Consumed Benjamin R. Barber
container principle, The local  Alexander Klose
Container-Prinzip, Das local  Alexander Klose
Contemporary Theories of Learning local  Knud Illeris
Content Management for E-Learning local  Núria Ferran Ferrer, Julià Minguillón Alfonso
Content Management Systeme als Infrastruktur des schulischen Lernens  local web  Björn Reetz
Content Management Systeme für die Bildung Peter Baumgartner, Hartmut Häfele, Kornelia Maier-Häfele
Content Management Systeme in e-Education Peter Baumgartner, Hartmut Häfele, Kornelia Maier-Häfele
Context of Electronic Surveillance, The local web  Christian Fuchs
Control Revolution, The local  Robert Beniger
Controlling Software Projects Tom DeMarco
Convergence Culture local  Henry Jenkins
Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance William Sims Bainbridge, Mihail C. Roco
Cool down   Felix Ekardt
Cool Infographics local  Randy Krum
Cool, kompetent und kein bisschen weise?   Christine Bieri Buschor, Esther Forrer
Coole Projekte mit Raspberry Pi local  E.F. Engelhardt
Coolfarming local  Peter A. Gloor
Coolhunting Peter A. Gloor, Scott Cooper
Cooperative Buildings
Cooperative Buildings: Integrating Information, Organization, and Architecture
Copy, Rip, Burn local  David M. Berry
Copy.Right.Now! local web 
Corona Fehlalarm? local  Sucharit Bhakdi, Karina Reiss
Corona in der Schweiz local web  Konstantin Beck, Werner Widmer
Corona Unmasked local web  Karina Reiss, Sucharit Bhakdi
Corona-Chance, Die Olaf-Axel Burow
Corona-Lektionen Pädagogischer Hochschulen, Die local web  Carsten Quesel, Philipp Hirsch
Coronavirus local web  Elizabeth Jenner, Kate Wilson, Nia Roberts
Corporate Cultures local  Deal, Kennedy
Cost-Benefit Revolution, The local  Cass R. Sunstein
Count Zero   William Gibson
COVID-19 - aktuelle Herausforderungen in Schule und Bildung local web  Stephan Gerhard Huber, Paula Sophie Günther, Nadine Schneider, Christoph Helm, Marius Schwander, Julia Schneider, Jane Pruitt
COVID-19 und Bildung local web  Stephan Gerhard Huber, Christoph Helm, Nadine Schneider
COVID-19: The Great Reset local web  Klaus Schwab, Thierry Malleret
Cracking the code local web  UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.
Craft of Information Visualization, The Benjamin B. Bederson, Ben Shneiderman
Crashkurs - Kind und Computerspiele K.-Peter Gerstenberger, Marek Klingelstein
Crashkurs - Kind und Fernsehen Thomas Feibel
Crashkurs - Kind und Internet Frank Patalong
Crashkurs - Kind und Lernsoftware Thomas Feibel, Helmut Meschenmoser
Crashkurs Kind und Lernsoftware Thomas Feibel, Helmut Meschenmoser
Crashkurs Typo und Layout Cyrus D. Khazaeli
Crashonomics  local web  Artur P. Schmidt
Crashtest Mobilität Frederic Vester
Creability - Gemeinsam kreativ   Martin Jürg Eppler, Friederike Hoffmann, Roland A. Pfister
Creating a Science of Games  
Creating and Consuming Web Services in Visual Basic   Scott Seely, Eric A. Smith, Deon Schaffer
Creating Emotion in Games David Freeman
Creating Holistic Technology-Enhanced Learning Experiences local  Lee Yong Tay, Cher Ping Lim
Creating killer Web sites David Siegel
Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale Erik Duval, Ralf Klamma, Martin Wolpers
Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale, Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2007, Crete, Greece, September Erik Duval, Ralf Klamma, Martin Wolpers
Creating the Coding Generation in Primary Schools   Steve Humble
Creating the Future of IT
Creating the Semantic Web with RDF Johan Hjelm
Creative Code John Maeda
Creative Computing local web  Karen Brennan, Christan Balch, Michelle Chung
Creative Schools local 
Creativity local  Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Creativity for 21st Century Skills local  Jane Piirto
Creativity Support Tools local web  Ben Shneiderman, Gerhard Fischer, M. Czerwinski, Brad Myers, Mitchel Resnick
Creativity Unlimited local  Micael Dahlen
Critica della ragione informatica Tomás Maldonado
Critical Code Studies local  Mark C. Marino
Critical Data Literacies local  Luci Pangrazio, Neil Selwyn
Critical Education in the New Information Age local 
Critical Thinking local  Jonathan Haber
Critical Thinking, Logic, and the Fallacies local  John Woods, Andrew Irvine, Douglas Walton
Critically Conscious Computing local web  Ami/Andrew J. Ko, Anne Beitlers, Brett Wortzman, Matt Davidson, Alannah Oleson, Mara Kirdani-Ryan, Stefania Druga
Critics of Digitalisation local web  Otto Peters
Croquet: A Collaboration Architecture   Alan Kay
Cross-Cultural Validation of the Will, Skill, Tool Model of Technology Integration local web  Cesáreo Morales Velázquez
Crossing the Chasm local  Geoffrey A. Moore
Crowdfunding und Social Payments local web  Julia Kaltenbeck
Crowdsourcing local  Daren C Brabham
Crypto  local  Steven Levy
CSCL Timothy D. Koschmann
CSCL 2 local  Rogers Hall, Timothy D. Koschmann, Naomi Miyake
CSCL 2009 local 
CSCL 2011 local web  Hans Spada, Gerry Stahl, Naomi Miyake, Nancy Law
CSCL-Kompendium  local  Jörg M. Haake, Gerhard Schwabe, Martin Wessner
CSCW-Kompendium  local web  Gerhard Schwabe, Norbert Streitz, Rainer Unland
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards local web  CSTA Standards Task Force
c't 05/2015
c't 1/2012
c't 10/2021 local web 
c't 14/2014  local 
c't 20/98
c't 20/99  
c't 21/2023
c't 25/2012  
c't 3/2015 local 
c't 5/98  
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c't 8/2018 local 
c't extra: Soziale Netze local 
c't KI-Praxis local 
c't Multikopter 2016 local 
c't Programmieren 3/2012 local 
c't Security 2013 local 
c't Smart Home 2015 local 
c't Smart Home 2016 local 
CTE 2020 local web 
Cuando las Cosas Empiecen A Pensar local  Neil Gershenfeld
Cuernavaca oder: Alternativen zur Schule? Hartmut von Hentig
cult of information, The Theodore Roszak
Cult of Statistical Significance, The Stephen Thomas Ziliak, Deirdre N. McCloskey
Cult of the Amateur, The Andrew Keen
Cultural Logic of Computation, The David Golumbia
Culture 1.0 local 
Culture of Connectivity, The local  José van Dijck
Culture of Education, The Jerome S. Bruner
Culture of Speed, The local  John Tomlinson
Curaviva 4/2013
Curriculum 21 local web 
Curriculumentwicklung Rudolf Künzli
Curriculumsreform unter europäischen Perspektiven Karl Frey
Curse of Bigness, The local  Tim Wu
Cut & Paste-Management und 99 andere Neuronenstürme aus Daily Dueck  local  Gunter Dueck
Cutting Code local  Adrian Mackenzie
Cyber Attacks local  Edward Amoroso
Cyber Effect, The local  Mary Aiken
Cyber Road Show  local web  Jakob Lindenmeyer, Marc Pilloud
Cyber Security Essentials local  Rick Howard, James Graham, Ryan Olson
Cyber Spaces / Social Spaces local  Ivor Goodson, Michele Knobel, Colin Lankshear, J. Marshall Mangan
Cyber.Philosophy Frank Hartmann
Cyberkrank! local  Manfred Spitzer
Cyberland Gundolf S. Freyermuth
CyberMedienWirklichkeit Goedart Palm
Cybermobbing local  Catarina Katzer
Cyber-Mobbing local  Sabine Schattenfroh
Cybernetics local  Norbert Wiener
Cybernetics and Management local  Stafford Beer
Cybernetics of Cybernetics Heinz von Foerster
Cybernetics: Transactions of the Eighth Conference local  Heinz von Foerster, Margaret Mead, Hans Lukas Teuber
Cybernetics: Transactions of the Ninth Conference local  Heinz von Foerster, Margaret Mead, Hans Lukas Teuber
Cybernetics: Transactions of the Seventh Conference local  Heinz von Foerster, Margaret Mead, Hans Lukas Teuber
Cybernetics: Transactions of the Sixth Conference  local  Heinz von Foerster
Cybernetics: Transactions of the Tenth Conference local  Heinz von Foerster, Margaret Mead, Hans Lukas Teuber
CyberPlaces local  Tobias Holischka
Cyber-Proletariat local  Nick Dyer-Witheford
Cyberpsychologie local  Catarina Katzer
Cybersemiotics local  Soren Brier
Cybertipp  local web 
Cyberwar – Die Gefahr aus dem Netz local  Constanze Kurz, Frank Rieger
Cycles of Time local  Roger Penrose